About Me
Hi I’m Tash. I am a qualified kinesiologist and a mum to two beautiful girls. As a busy mum I know what it’s like to put everyone in your family first and feel like there’s nothing left for yourself. To feel like you’re always busy doing something but never feeling like it’s enough. To find yourself repeating your parent’s patterns that you swore you would never repeat. To want to break the cycle so your children no longer have to carry the generational trauma and limiting beliefs.
My motherhood journey has been a crash course in healing my own trauma. My first daughter led me to kinesiology after I went through postnatal depression. My second daughter took me on a journey to multi-dimensional quantum healing. Both brought up different issues to be worked through and healed – my perfectionism, people pleasing, martyrdom and most importantly, my control and anger issues. I see my daughters repeating my patterns and truly believe now is the time to break the cycles around generational trauma and heal our karmic wounds. It is up to us to heal ourselves so our children don’t carry our pain (whether it’s physical, emotional or mental). This isn’t about mama guilt. It’s about energetics.
My mission is to help mums heal their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain and break that energetic cycle. I want to help you remember who you are because I know what it feels like to lose yourself in motherhood. I want to help you make peace with the past so you can be fully present in the moment. I have healed many layers but I know there will be more lessons the deeper I go…and grow. I share this with you so you know that I am not perfect. I am tired of social media setting up the image of the perfect mother and I’m tired of society normalising living in survival mode. I am on a journey to THRIVE and I invite you to join me.
“Parenting, in short, is a dance of the generations. Whatever affected one generation but has not been fully resolved will be passed on to the next.”
Gabor Mate
Kinesiology and Multi-Dimensional Quantum Healing have been a big part of my healing journey. As a 1/3 Manifesting Generator (my Human Design) I am here to investigate and experiment and share what I learn. This is what drives me as a practitioner. I know these modalities work because they worked for me. This is why I felt called to learn them so I could use them to help others in similar situations. I have faced my shadow aspects and come out the other side. This caterpillar had to dissolve into a gooey mess before it transformed into a butterfly. I would love to help you through the gooey mess as you transform.
I can help you with:

Fun facts about me:
My favourite part of working with my clients is finding the emotion involved in the issue we’re working on. This is part of finding your story and it reminds me of why I studied Journalism. I have always been interested in the human story and why we do the things we do. Understanding our mindset and adapting to change led me to study Nutrition and Health Coaching and I love that I can bring these skills into my clinic. I love learning and am currently studying my Advanced Diploma in Kinesiology. I am passionate about learning so I am excited about all the extra things I will bring to you in the future.
I am also passionate about mental health and especially breaking the stigma around mental health issues. This is why I am a PANDA Community Champion. PANDA was the helpline I rang when I realised I needed help when I was struggling with postnatal depression. I also reached out to a few mum friends and I was so surprised to learn so many of them had also experienced postnatal depression. I shared in my blog that it was one of these friends that suggested I try kinesiology and that changed my life so I will be forever grateful to her! We live in a society that doesn’t support the notion “it takes a village” which makes it hard to ask for help. I want you to know it is ok to ask for help and you are always welcome to reach out to me for support.