— A membership about healing and expanding…together

The Etheric Circle


Explore your soul’s journey

Do you feel disconnected from parts of your life, or even parts of yourself?

Are you always in your masculine, taking action and know there’s a better way?

slow down and connect to yourself, your divine feminine
normalise rest, self care and self love?
hit unsubscribe from a society that values burning yourself out just to succeed?
receive the guidance to co-create with the universe?
remember your soul essence?

I have created this membership for you. An online space where you can receive monthly group quantum healings and experience teachings and tools to help you shift out of your head and into your heart.

This is a membership about healing and expanding within a community of likeminded people. The time of the guru is over. We are all powerful creators. While I offer quantum healing I don’t call myself a healer. I am a conduit, a facilitator, a guide. I can help remove blocks that help connect you back to your power. I see the beauty in you and call you to share that beauty with others. The more light we shine on others the more light we shine on ourselves.

want to have trust and compassion for yourself.
want to learn how to shift into observing your emotions.
are always in your head and unable to (or try not to) connect to your body and your emotions. 
are ready to love and accept who you are at the very centre of your being and connect to your higher self.
are ready to explore your soul’s journey in this life and previous lifetimes across all dimensions.

I want to help you live the life you truly want. At the pace that you want. To live a life in flow. Society teaches us to push harder, to achieve more, to always keep going. I want to help you disengage from the programming that keeps you small and help you tune into a higher frequency and connect more with your own soul frequency.

I want to help you make the shift out of your head and into your heart.

Out of 3D fear based consciousness and into 5D love consciousness.

Out of polarity and duality and into unity.

“The Longest Journey you will ever take is from your Head to your Heart”

Thich Nhat Hanh 

You are here for a reason. You are here to experience more than all the struggles and limitations in your life. You are a creator being and can create your own reality. But first we have to clear the distortions at play.

It doesn’t matter where you are on your spiritual journey. There’s something for everyone here. We are always evolving on the upwards spiral of healing. The journey of healing and spiritual awakening can be lonely. It can be hard to find those to share your experiences with. To have someone light the path for you. And to share your light for those joining the path. This community is a sacred co-creation for us all to come together and share our light. We’re here to raise our frequencies together. 

Within this online circle we will hold each other in the pain we collectively share. We have each experienced different variations of the same pain. It’s time to let it go.

It’s time to bring joy back into your life – through connection and what brings you pleasure. I am here to help you access more joy and abundance.

It’s time to release your burdens – you’ve held onto them for too long. And the Earth has been feeling this and is asking us all to lighten the load. To slow down and connect with ourselves and with the land more.

We will do this through monthly quantum healings that will serve you on a soul level as well as for the collective. These healings incorporate my R.A.I.S.E framework.

At every stage we will be clearing emotional pain, negative thought patterns, and limiting beliefs from this lifetime, your previous lifetimes and your ancestral timelines. We will also clear conditioning, programming and frequencies from society and other external forces.

Reset your nervous system and your energetic bodies to allow your body to move out of a state of fear and stress into a state of calm and safety to receive the clearings to come.
Activate your soul gifts, self love and remember who you are. We are all creator beings and your unique soul frequency has something special to share with the world. 
Integrate your soul lessons and soul gifts into your life with energetic alignments.
Shift into the next level of your life, a higher frequency towards unity consciousness and truly loving yourself.
Expand your mindset and consciousness and truly step into your power.

The monthly live group healing will clear emotions, negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs so you can drop into your heart and your own inner knowing. We will cover collective wounds and clear emotional pain and limiting beliefs from your childhood, from your parents, passed down your ancestral lineage and also from the previous lifetimes your soul has been through.

The monthly calls are held once a month – Friday at 10.30am AWST – you will receive the scheduled dates when you join.
The monthly live group healing will be recorded for anyone that can’t join live. This healing will still work with your energy so you won’t miss out if you can’t join live (everything is energy). Replays are released within 48 hours and you will always have access to the replays.

  • Monthly live zoom quantum group healings 
  • Trainings about our energetic bodies – chakras, nadis, meridians, aura
  • Integration practices for your mind, body and soul
  • Frequency affirmations
  • Metaphysical teachings – understand what your body is trying to tell you
  • Community in a private Facebook group to connect with souls on a similar spiritual journey 
  • Spiritual musings – understanding the shift from duality to unity consciousness
  • Discounted tickets to my in person events in Perth
nervous system responses fight/flight/freeze/fawn
self worth and self love
pattern release
victim consciousness
societal programming
childhood wounds
Into the upward spiral of healing
Lack frequency clearing and soul remembrance
Calling in your soul essence

The monthly exchange is currently $55 a month which is great value just for the monthly quantum healing alone! There’s no lock in contracts so you can cancel your membership anytime (with 2 weeks notice).

Think of it like a gym membership for your soul. You learn to see the triggers in your life as mirrors reflecting where your soul wants to grow. You get to release the heaviness from your soul. You get the shape how you want your soul to grow. And you get to do it with likeminded souls who understand the importance of doing soul work!

You will have a safe space where you get to chat about all the weird and wonderful things that happen on your healing journey.

You get to co-create a community where you connect on a soul level and create space for your true cosmic nature to come through.

Are you ready to embrace all that your soul has to offer?

Make the shift

Be prepared to shift out of your head and into your heart and make the return to love.

Ready To Join the Etheric Circle membership?

Do you want to feel more connected to yourself?
Do you want to connect to others on the same journey?
Do you want to shift into the next level of your life?

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