— Soul work for the collective


My Soul Calling events are a beautiful co-creation with each of the beautiful souls that answer the call to attend, as well as a co-creation with the Universe.

Each event is a unique experience guided by the collective wounds we have experienced and are ready to release, and the soul codes we each have to share and are ready to activate. I am honoured to facilitate these beautiful events, channel the energies of the evening and activate the soul remembrance that flows through.

Soul Calling – Quantum Healing & Cacao Ceremony – December New Moon

6 December 2024 / 6pm-8pm

t’s time to call your soul home.

This evening is about accessing your multidimensionality, clearing the collective pain, patterning and programming we all share which could be from this lifetime, previous lifetimes or passed down from our ancestors.

This creates space for more love and light to come in. To allow yourself to receive higher frequencies of healing and activations to support your awakening journey. There may be light language, soul family connections and soul codes being shared.

This event channeled the energies from the beginning of the Sept 17-Oct 2 eclipse portal. We worked with the inner child and clearing wounds and patterning from our parents. These short clips give you insight into what unfolded.

This event was a potent night and I believe this collection of short transmissions needs to be shared with the collective. These transmissions also give you insight into the codes that are shared during my Soul Clearing events.

We all need to make the shift from polarity consciousness into unity consciousness.
Let us come together to clear the sisterhood wound from our collective consciousness.
Let us embrace our multidimensionality whilst also honouring our physicality.

Get Started Now

Missed an event or can’t wait until the next one?

Get started with the collective healing and free your nervous system.

This free series of quantum healings goes through the nervous system responses and the conditioning from society and our ancestors.

Free yourself from:

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