What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is an empowering healing modality where your body guides me (through muscle testing) to where your subconscious is holding the stress that has created the imbalance in your mind, body and spirit. Together we investigate the root cause of the stress – the emotion that disrupted your body’s energetic balance. Muscle testing helps me find the frequency match you need to clear the block in your body. Flower essences, emotional stress defusion, tuning forks and acupressure are just some of the tools I can use to help bring you back to balance.

How does kinesiology work?

Kinesiology is the muscle testing I use to find the frequency match for you and your issue. Basically I use muscle testing to plug into your body’s operating system (your subconscious) and enter code (acupressure formats and hologram hardware) to find the programs (trapped emotions, limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns) that are interfering with your mind, body and spirit. Through muscle testing your body tells me how to rewrite your programming and how to clear the energetic blocks to upgrade your software so you can reach your health and spiritual goals. I use my books to scan and find the frequency match for what your body wants to tell me. This always makes me feel like each session is a choose your own adventure book!

I love stories and your body has a story to tell. Kinesiology helps me translate your body’s innate wisdom. The story begins with the tension you are feeling in your mind, body or spirit. Together we investigate what created that tension. And plot twist, it’s usually trapped emotions related to a past experience. We become emotion detectives and work out what the emotion is, at what age it happened and who was involved. It’s like a mini counselling session where you can share as much or as little as you want. It’s all about bringing it to your awareness and allowing me to download the information from your body before correcting the energetic imbalance. I help you rewrite your subconscious blocks to resolve the tension to help you find your happy ending. It could take a few chapters or it might be a saga. Are you ready to discover and rewrite your story?

What does muscle testing look like?

What can kinesiology help with?

Kinesiology addresses energetic imbalances that may affect your body in different ways:

PainImmune system
Sprains and strains
Back pain
Shoulder pain
Joint pain
Tendon pain
Seasonal illness
Skin issues
Breathing issues
Hair issues
HormonesNeurological issues
Sleep cycles
Menstrual cycle
Mood support
Adrenal support
Thyroid support
Parathyroid support
Blood glucose balancing
Female reproductive hormones
Male reproductive hormones
Anger and frustration
Social anxiety
Overthinking and ruminating
Fears and phobias
Brain integration level 1
Learning problems
Behavioural issues
Primitive reflexes

What is Mini-Kinesi?

A mini kinesiology (kinesi) balance takes a layer of stress off your issue. This is a great way to see how kinesiology can help you or can be used in-between sessions. It is especially helpful if something has suddenly happened in your life that has caused you to ‘split off’ from your body. Shocks from an emotional or physical event can do that and an aura realignment can bring you back into your body.

The main focus of a mini kinesi balance is to help relieve some of your emotional stress. We won’t go as deep as we would during a major balance but we will still heal a layer which will help to take the edge off. To help you release the emotion we may use flower essences or sound healing.

Does a mini kinesi balance sound like just what you need? Or are you ready to dive deep with a full kinesiology session? Still not sure which one would be best for you?
Contact me to have your questions answered or book your appointment now.

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