Mother and daughter standing on ocean reef rocks

My quantum journey

If you read my post about my kinesiology journey you know that it was my first daughter who led me there. This story is about how my youngest led me into the quantum world. This journey didn’t start straight away. One thing I didn’t mention in my other post about my struggles with my first was how the birth of my second was such a healing experience. The whole labour only took a few hours instead of the two day ordeal I went through the first time. She didn’t have any complications and she took to the boob like a pro! And she slept! I’m so thankful for how healing all of this was for me after so many struggles the first time around.

It wasn’t until she hit 2 that we started to struggle. That’s when her personality started to shine through. She was determined to get what she wanted. All of the tips and tricks I had used with my first did not stand a chance with this fire cracker. I was stuck in that hard place of being proud of her strong will that would help her stand up for herself when she was older, and just wanting her to do as she was told.

I knew this was an opportunity for me to delve deeper into letting go of my control issues but it felt like everything was a constant battle. I was tired and the more tired I was, the angrier I was. I found myself shouting and screaming and unable to control moments of instant rage. I felt like all the conditioning from my upbringing was coming to a head and I hated how I was following in my parent’s footsteps.

I had tried kinesiology and it had helped but I was still struggling when I was ovulating or menstruating. I blamed it on my hormones but I knew there was something more to how I felt. Then I had a supernatural experience while sleeping in my daughter’s bedroom. I felt paralysed as I saw a flash of light move over me. In the morning we asked my daughter about it and she knew who it was. We had never experienced anything like this before. Well I had seen a regular figure in my house as a kid but that was it. We felt like this explained a lot with our youngest and after removing the spirit I started looking into this world some more.

A friend connected me to spiritual healer Donna Kilo and through the work she did on me and my family, I learned that my youngest had the gift of sight but she wasn’t coping well with it. She cleared entities from her room and closed a portal and she told me my youngest and I have been together for 208 of my 223 lives. It’s no surprise that we have a lot of karma to work through! She also told me that my psychic gifts were in the etheric field which explains why I need to feel the energy with my hands.

Then in one of my Facebook groups I found out about a workshop for multi-dimensional quantum healing. I signed up for it with the intention to be able to protect both my daughters from things I knew they could see but I couldn’t. I had no idea how much this workshop would open my world!

Kerrie was really great at teaching her techniques to connect to my higher self and work with multi-dimensional quantum energy. I was instantly drawn to the past life healing aspects! I practiced on myself, my husband, my brother and even my mum. When I did a past life healing on my youngest I healed 3 lives as animals. I felt like this explained her energy as a Splenic Projector (her Human Design), always in flight or fight. It took me longer for my brain to comprehend ancestral healing which I took to be more about my readiness to handle the depth of healing my bloodline.

I learned how to close portals, remove entities that have attached to us, as well as heal chakras and levels of the aura. In level 2 I learned womb healing and inner child healing but level 3 was definitely my favourite. I learned a new way to work with meridians and the lymphatic system, which I really love. But I really love the techniques to work with the energy acceptance of money and creating a business energetically and believe they helped me set up my business with ease and call in the right clients for me.

It was almost a year later that I was doing a healing on my mum that I connected to pain on her mother’s side that went back 4 generations. This ancestor had been physically abused by a relative and this trauma had been passed through our DNA. I was in tears as I healed this ancestral trauma and knew this played part of the loop I felt I had been dragged into with my youngest. I had always known that instant rage that would come over me was coming from somewhere else. That it wasn’t mine. I just didn’t know that I was being called to be the one to heal this cycle in my bloodline.

There’s so much talk in ancestral healing circles about now being the time to break the cycles for our ancestors. The more trauma we can heal from ourselves, the more density we can free from the earth and raise the earth’s vibration as we raise our own. I feel so honoured to be doing this work. I am so grateful to have learned multidimensional quantum healing and I am ready to help you if you are feeling the call. You can explore more about my offerings on my website or book your session. If you have any questions please feel free to us my contact page or send me an email or message me on social media. I would love to connect with you x

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