Chakra Clearing

on the Quantum Level

The time has come to unite and work together to clear the ties that keep us from connecting to our true power and all that we can access. You are a creator being and you are being called to connect with your soul family and soul purpose to allow for true self expression.

Your major Chakras are your energy centres that bridge your multidimensional aspects into your physical being. They transmute down the energy from your Higher Self and Source. As the energy comes down we should be able to fully access this freely but there are blocks and distortions from our own being and also from the 3D plane of consciousness. Your Chakras can be blocked with past trauma, negative programming and limiting beliefs from this lifetime, previous lifetimes and your ancestral lineage. They can also be distorted from lower vibrations, frequencies and toxic environments.

Many of these blocks keep you in a state of fear, or keep you playing small, or keep you doubting your own intuition and inner strength. These blocks can also manifest as physical injury, illness or disease. You may have been doing your own work on healing and aligning your Chakras and find yourself still feeling stuck. That’s where this collective healing is so potent. By tapping into the quantum field and the collective energies we are able to zoom out and take a look from a higher perspective and see what’s playing out at another level.

We will explore what needs to be cleared for the collective and how this has expressed for you personally. 

There are seven major Chakras that are associated with different themes, energies and connected to different organs and areas of your body. You can read more about the Chakras here.

Each week there will be a live zoom call for a group quantum healing on:

  • Base/Root Chakra – basic trust, safety and security
  • Sacral Chakra – sexual and creative power
  • Navel/Solar Plexus Chakra – will and power
  • Heart Chakra – love and trust
  • Throat Chakra – communication
  • Brow/Third Eye Chakra – intuition
  • Crown Chakra – Divine connection

We will be clearing programming, imprints and wounds from this lifetime, previous lifetimes and ancestral lineages. There will also be frequency upgrades, activations and soul remembrance.

This series has been calling me for awhile but the pull has been so much stronger since the Spring Equinox/Eclipse portal in September/October. My throat Chakra has had so much clearing and activating and I am being called deeper into my service. I am here to help liberate consciousness and part of that is clearing and removing programming and distortions from society and the so called matrix.

I am also opening up to channeling higher frequencies and connecting with our star family. This means I may channel higher beings and/or light language during a call. The universal and cosmic energies are ramping up to help us with our awakening journeys and ascension process to help us anchor more light onto our planet and help bring in the New Earth.

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and as I finally fell back asleep I was flooded with light codes that vividly turned into rainbow spheres and then the Chakras. So when I woke up I knew it was time to finally birth this series. I know in every fibre of my being that we are going to create magic in this container. This is an opportunity for you to experience deep transformation and create and strengthen your connection to your true self.

I am continuously working with the high frequency energy of this container and let me tell you – it feels sooooo expansive! I hope you can feel it too! I know I am just the facilitator, the channel, the guide for the journey that will unfold and I feel honoured to be holding space for this potent container of transformation.

When I felt into the energy I asked what unfold and this is what came through:

  • expansion
  • release from draining energies in many forms
  • liberation from enforced limitations, negative frequencies (lack) and victim consciousness
  • compassion and gratitude for those that came before us
  • reverence for your true self
  • elevation into higher frequencies
  • stronger connection to your Higher Self and Oneness
  • shift in perspective and consciousness

More about Chakra Clearing

Who is the program designed for?​
self healers​
cycle breakers​
change makers​
light workers​
star seeds​
anyone on their awakening journey (no matter which stage you are)
What is in the program?​
Live group quantum healings​
Lifetime access to replays ​
Mini trainings
Affirmations with Solfeggio frequencies
Workbook companion guide
Facebook group for community support
Bonus sessions on Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras​


Happy Clients

Are you ready to clear your Chakras?

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