Chakra Between the Planes – Explained

Chakra between the planes is a series of kinesiology balances designed to clear through the auric layers of each of the major Chakras. This series was developed by Tania O’Neill McGowan and is taught to all Advanced Diploma in Kinesiology students at O’Neill Kinesiology College.

The major Chakras are our energy centres and they expand across the auric planes which are:

  • Physical/Etheric
  • Astral (emotional)
  • Mental (thought forms)
  • Buddhic (beliefs)
  • Atmic
  • Monadic
  • Divine

I will write another post about each of the levels of the aura but all you need to understand for now is that the major Chakras expand through each of these levels.

Through working on the Chakras and within each of these levels your kinesiologist is able to explore deeper the themes, patterns or pain you are experiencing in your life.

As an Advanced Diploma student one of the units at the college is to go through this series working on a goal about being a successful Kinesiologist and clearing the blocks in the way of that. I love how this is offered within the course to truly help the students build a successful business. I had already launched my business and felt good about that but found my struggled was around work/life balance and not wanting too many clients which of course meant I was energetically pushing clients away.

My goal for the series was I am a confident, competent, successful kinesiologist and I am always comfortably fully booked with a growing waitlist.

It was the end of 2023 when I went through this series and my life was very different back then. I was trying to uplevel in my business and online presence but struggling to find my true voice. I was also experiencing burnout from working part time, studying, building my business, being a mum and also having to do more at home due to my husband’s injury. I was very unhappy and stressed and questioning my relationship. I was also trying to slow down and step out of my masculine where I had always lived and softening into my feminine and learning to surrender and trust.

There’s only a few months of 2024 left and my life has changed in so many ways. I have left my part time job and gone all in on my business. I have had to pivot my business and learned the more I lean in, the more I expand. I have put my walls down and opened up to a more loving relationship with my husband. I have healed so many wounds and learned many lessons and also how I manifested said lessons. And now in reflecting on this journey I can see how this series of balances was the catalyst for all of that change. I love these balances but I will give you a warning based on my own experience. These balances will crack you wide open and throw everything up into the air. But in doing so you will clear out the crap, heal what needs healing and choose what you bring in.

Here’s what came up for me during my sessions

Base / Root Chakra

Starting with the Base Chakra took me back to my childhood and all the feelings I had of not being worthy. So much of this was tied in with beauty and the struggle I experienced with body hair. This made me not want to be seen which of course caused a problem when I wanted to create a business and especially grow an online audience!

The first level of the aura that showed up was the Monadic (spiritual) level. And the message in here was appreciation of beauty in all forms and sympathetic understanding.

The next level that showed was Atomic (spiritual will and power). The messages here were to develop “asking questions to learn how others think”, and to leave behind “taking oneself too seriously and having a ponderous approach to life”.

In the Astral (emotional) level the repression of emotion showed and it was feeling “bad”.

In the Buddhic (belief) level what came up was love as spiritual principle and hard working.

And so what I also uncovered in the Base Chakra was how much hard work and being serious was being held in the core. Which of course created the blocks to having fun and allowing more play into my life.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra opened the door into my relationship and really examining it with a fine tooth comb.

The first layer to show was the astral layer and this was all about my early environment creating my rigid character.

The Buddhic layer brought up beliefs based on mental inflexibility and the Atmic layer brought up healing the love in relationships. The Monadic layer was about my self reliance as a positive but indifference to me and judgement of others needed work. Extreme emotions in childhood came up in the Divine layer.

All of this stirred up so many thoughts and memories from my parents relationship, divorce and my own marriage. I was able to see connections between both and realised how much I had manifested in trying not to repeat my parents mistakes but instead just experiencing it in a different way.

Navel / Solar Plexus Chakra

This was another deep dive into my marriage and I will admit I was in a very vulnerable space
at the time of the balance after being up all night fighting. My Solar Plexus had already been activated and I was feeling the internal struggle within my own personal power.

The first layer to show was the Divine and the issue was seeking to follow the Divine plan. Through a Chakra triangle correction we found that what I wanted (and what was blocked) was Divine power and respect. The pattern I wasn’t seeing was around Universal harmony and what would bring it all together was the message: be still and know that I am God.

The second layer was the Buddhic layer and this was beliefs around commitment when I was 25 years old. The belief was I create ,y own happiness and unhappiness from within.

The third layer was the Atmic layer and the message from the Astrology of the Soul book was around Universal Consciousness and being “one with life”. I needed to leave behind taking myself too seriously and have a ponderous approach to life (which you may remember had shown up in my Base/Root chakra).

The next layer to show was the Mental (thought forms) layer and the concrete thought or opinion was I am 100% happy and love myself. The emotion in my Physical/Etheric layer was run by desires

Heart Chakra

This balance was another exploration of my marriage but also brought in my first pregnancy and the drama in my life at the time.

The first layer to show was the Astral level and issues experiencing, expressing and repressing emotions. The emotion here was shattered. The next layer was the Atmic layer and what was not in alignment was surrendering to Divine will and my need for freedom. In the Mental (thought forms) layer was all the thoughts that lay the foundation for my being a high achiever. From being the hurried child, longing for tenderness and being afraid of involvement I wasn’t following my instincts and was seeking love through my actions.

Throat Chakra

I felt the shift by the time we came to work on the Throat Chakra. Everything had been shaken up and so much had risen to the surface. Now it was time to work on my voice and free myself from all the fears I had on speaking up.

The first layer to show was the Astral (emotional) layer and the message the Dog Rose flower essence had for me was to dissolve niggling fears. The Mental (thought forms) layer held thoughts about integration/clear integrations, shattered and frustrated. The Divine level was all about desire vs bliss and the message was that tensions is released when I am deep and sincere. The Atmic level showed me that openness to new ideas and experiences would bring me into alignment with my soul’s purpose. The Buddhic (belief) layer also had a message from the Dog Rose flower essence which was fear- apprehension with others.

What I learned from this session was how much I had censored myself from fear of judgement of others in so many ways not just my relationship. It was really eye opening to understand how much that had been holding me back.

Brow Chakra

I had actually been surprised at how much my relationship issues had come up during these balances. But of course it made sense. All of the clients I work with are relationships. They are practitioner-client relationships but there is so much truth and vulnerability shared in these sessions. I am always open and honest with my clients and share my own experiences when I feel it is needed when it is an issue I deeply relate to. And so I was understanding I needed to be true to myself in all relationships in my life if I wanted to create many more relationships through my business.

The first layer to show was the Monadic layer and this was about the power to take initiation. The Divine layer message came from creating harmony in relationships through self honesty. The message I needed was true love can see reality. The Mental (thought forms) layer had a message from the Arizona White Oak flower essence around sadness and the fear of moving forward. The Physical/Etheric layer was blocked around the Anterior Pituitary gland. The Buddhic (belief) layer held a masochistic belief that I much strength often bound in stubbornness. The Atmic (spiritual will and power) layer held a reminder to stay in the present and look to here and now solutions.

As a result of this session I feel I was able to feel the shift from my masculine and into my feminine. It was like I had been trying to access my feminine but doing it from the mind. I was now finally able to drop into the heart space to be open to receive.

Crown Chakra

This last session was done much later as I hadn’t been able to make the last class. It turned out to be the third session my friend Chelsea did on me during this series and I am so thankful for her to have held space for me and being so gentle when I was really going through it.

The first layer to show was the Astral (emotional) layer. The emotions stored here were all about making myself hard and ‘safe’. The message here was around forming new thoughts and trying new possibilities and alternatives. The next layer to show was the Monadic layer. The focus here was seeking the truth and my positive characteristic was steadfastness. The Divine level showed next and the focus here was preparing to serve the Divine plan. Through a Chakra triangle correction the story that unfolded was that Divine truth and communication would be the bridge between Divine pleasure and Universal Harmony.

The Physical layer had a block on the Pineal gland and the Buddhic (belief) layer had quite a few beliefs come up within my character structure. These were: often intelligent and capable, pragmatic – likes facts better than abstract ideas. The challenge for me was that facts aren’t everything, The final healing came from the Bush Iris flower essence to clear blocks in the base Chakra and trust centre and the affirmation was “I open the door to my spirituality and to access the doorway to my higher perceptions”.

And now looking back I can see how that was what opened the door to this year. To all that I learned and cleared in the Human Blueprint sessions. To my breathwork journeys and to my plant medicine journeys (don’t worry I am working on a blog series on these). And to me accessing and practising my Akashic Records, light language and channeling abilities. The door definitely opened to my spirituality and I could never have imagined all that I have experienced in 2024. Thank you year of the Wood Dragon for all your transformations!

Are you ready to book your Chakra Between the Planes sessions?

Book a kinesiology session with me to work through clearing your Chakras.

Want to experience the quantum Chakra healing series?

I will be launching an online quantum healing series working on each of your Chakras. Register your interest.

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