Mother holding sleeping baby on her chest

Healing from postnatal depression

I shared my experience with postnatal depression in my previous blog post which you can read here. There were a number of things I did to heal. This is what I shared in a personal blog post back in 2017. Social media had helped me a lot as a new mum but it had also been a part of my postnatal depression. Comparing myself to picture perfect mums sharing their carefully curated or sponsored posts had me thinking I was not a good enough mum.

1. Be open and honest

2. Talk to someone

3. Reduce sugar

4. Essential oils

5. Counselling

6. Asking for help

7. Exercise

8. Kinesiology 

9. Dietary changes

10. Positive mindset

Obviously now that I have trained as a kinesiologist I am an advocate for the benefits of kinesiology and how it can help you move through perinatal and postnatal depression. I’ll explain more in another post about how kinesiology can help. For now I wanted to share my first experience so I went digging through my email archives and found a summary of my session from kinesiologist.

My goal for the session was “I go with the flow and I am happy and positive about my life”. I had a negative energy field that was draining my energy. It was a projection to the outside world and taking on other people’s energy (something the people pleaser in my was very good at doing!). My flight and fight reactions were stuck on anger, frustration, blocked reward and submission. Punishment showed a number of times in my emotional modulatory circuit affecting my emotional regulation. We worked on my Sacral Chakra – dealing with issues related to relationships, with other, feelings, creativity and feeling deprived. Emotions that came up were ‘believed’, ‘security’ and ‘love is cruel’. My kinesiologist explained that while it may all have seemed like negative stuff came up, it was all about getting rid of it, releasing it and moving forward. I found an email I wrote her a month later where I told her “I am still amazed at how I just go with the flow now!”

I am still so thankful to the friend that suggested I try kinesiology. It was such a great and gentle healing experience that I just knew I had to become a kinesiologist. I also knew that my passion would be helping mums with postnatal depression.

If you think you may have postnatal depression or worried that a new mum in your life may be struggling, PANDA have a mental health checklist you can use for any stage you are at. It’s a great resource that helps you figure out the next step to take and gives you a PDF of your results to take to your chosen health professional.

Do you need help?
Call the Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA) national hotline on 1300 726 306
If you’re in Perth you can call Ngala on 9368 9368
Explore the resources on the Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE) website for what resonates with you
Engage in Counselling
Talk to your GP or other health professional
Explore alternative modalities like homeopathy, kinesiology and naturopathy.

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