My Experience Reprogramming my Human Blueprint

My very first Human Blueprint session was in February 2024. My life looked very different back then and my life has changed so much since then! I was really struggling with my relationships and feeling very unhappy. The core belief that came up in this session was I am unworthy to receive and it was reprogrammed into I am worthy and open to receive good in my life.

Since that session I have learned so much about myself and worked through so many beliefs and emotions through breath work, kinesiology, quantum healing, counselling, ancestral healing, plant medicine and learning how to channel and how to access the Akashic Records (which I was already innately doing without realising it). This journey has allowed me to shift from my Divine Masculine deeper into my Divine Feminine and closer to Divine Union. I also had to move house, pivot my business and learn new tech and skills for all the work I want to do in the online space. This journey highlighted the struggle I have had with my work as well as with money. As I explored all of these themes I knew I was tired of always working so hard and wanted an abundance of time and money as well as bringing more play into my life.

So I was very excited when O’Neill Kinesiology College announced the Human Blueprint training for graduates. I signed up immediately but had to wait until the end of July 2024 for the training. Over the course of this training we would learn how to perform the Human Blueprint balances and also receive the balances. It was recommended we come up with a goal around a certain theme or issue we were wanting to get to the bottom of. I gave this a lot of thought and thought over what had been surfacing in recent weeks and months. In the end I had a very long goal which was

I am allowed to want and to have more and I am free to playfully up level and expand my life and my business with confidence, ease and grace.

I used this same goal for each balance and felt amazing shifts with each balance. Here’s some of what came up.

This session begins with information from the Astrology for the Soul book which has information about your North Node – what you came to do in this lifetime. Under Attributes to Develop – the information I needed was healthy curiosity and a positive approach to life and other people. I definitely resonated with healthy curiosity because as a line 1 in Human Design I am always gathering more and more information and it’s hard to know when to get out of the rabbit hole. What showed under Tendencies to Leave Behind was aloofness and thinking one knows what others are saying without really listening. This last one was definitely something that had been showing up in my relationships.

The emotion that came up was worthless and I found this interesting because I had thought this had been cleared in my session in February but I also knew this sense of worthlessness ran deep.

Then came finding the core beliefs and petitions which were:

I cannot protect myself from outside danger.

I need to feel pain in order to know that I exist.

My heart is capable of love. Please teach me to permit it to love.

All of this hit home especially the second one. It felt like that hit me like a ton of bricks. That the reason I was always struggling was because I needed to feel some sort of pain to know that I exist. I also felt like it made sense of an Akashic Reading I had done by Tamzin Young (my Akashic Record trainer) where I was told I was experiencing PTSD from the Arcturian war where I had been taken out by an arrow. And the last one (which was the petition) totally resonated with some meditations I had done during Lionsgate which had showed me that my heart had been frozen from pain and this was related to my youngest daughter who I knew I had shared MANY lifetimes with.

After the energetic corrections my blueprint was reprogrammed with:

The next balance was on clearing distortions held in chromosomes. Within these chromosomes are Yin/Yang aspects and Ascension layers of the DNA to be cleared. What showed for me was:

Taking on too much responsibility. Never meeting own standard. This was connected to the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine layer.

Agitated and over anxious. This was connected to the I Am That I Am/Higher Self layer.

These aspects and blocks came from my father’s grandfather and the emotions he had were nervous tension and being easily angered by limitations of self or others. I knew my grandfather had a strong work ethic and was very focused on working on the coffee farm they had in Colombia but I didn’t know anything about his father. So I wasn’t sure what he had experienced and what had caused this distortion but I definitely saw how these themes were playing out in my life and especially the sense of always have to work hard. It felt so good to release all of this.

This balance was the most intense for me and it really came as no surprise that it took three attempts to actually receive the balance. I missed out on the training because I had the flu and then had some family stuff come up when I had tried to organise swaps with a fellow graduate. But after working through some themes that had come up it was finally time to explore the miasms.

The syphilitic miasm was what came up and within the chromosomes was tendency to fit in with others plans, unable to say no, feeling of not deserving, powerless to make changes. This was connected to the I Am That I Am/Higher Self layer.

These aspects and blocks came from a male ancestor on my mother’s side and this is where my experience felt out of this world. We tapped into a lifetime in Ancient Sumerian. I felt like the energy was so old and slow. I felt like I couldn’t move my body, especially not the right side of my body. I felt so bad for my friend working on me because I kept going into SIPS (this is when your system gets stressed out) and she kept having to download the stress or do a mini correction. In the end we got through it and the original frequency that the miasma hooked into was centred around despondency, emotional flatness and lack of direction. This made sense because between the two of us and our gifts we were able to work out that there was no food or water and everyone had left but my ancestor had stayed in this location and was slowly dying. The core beliefs that came through were I am unworthy to receive and life is a constant struggle.

It was so amazing to finally feel movement in my body again after the energetic correcting and reprogramming had been done. And to feel like I was me again! I will never cease to be amazed by how kinesiology works and the energetic shifts that can be experienced! And I just love how these Human Blueprint balances bring in our multidimensional aspects.

This is why I feel like these balances are so beneficial to help integrate the things we learn about ourselves from breathwork, plant medicine, meditations and psychic/Akashic Records readings. As you can see from my experience, these balances allow us to connect to the information stored in our multidimensional fields and in our DNA and clear what does not align with the reality what we are trying to create in our current realities. You can read more about what the Human Blueprint is and what some of my clients have experienced in this blog post.

You may be wondering how my life has changed since these balances? The pressure is off. I feel like I can enjoy myself as I build my business. I feel more connected to myself and the Universe and more trust in what I am co-creating for myself, for my family and for the collective. I feel more supported by my family, friends and the Universe. I feel like each expansion and upleveling is now happening with more ease and enjoyment. I love my life!

Are you ready to book a Human Blueprint kinesiology session?

Book a kinesiology session with me and reprogram your Human Blueprint.
The Human Blueprint is an amazing tool to access your multidimensionality.

Want to learn the Human Blueprint balances?

The next training for O’Neill Kinesiology College graduates will be in January 2025. Contact the college to register your interest.

2 thoughts on “My Experience Reprogramming my Human Blueprint”

  1. Wow! Reading this (especially the part about sharing many lifetimes with your daughter) gave me goosebumps! I’m so excited to book into my first session

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