What are The Major Chakras?

The Chakra system is one of the energy bodies that connect us to Source energy. They are actually the energy centres that our Nadis feed into. Our Nadis are energy channels that form a web like network in our field. There are seven major Chakras and these are energy centres that aligns with the centre of your body from the pelvic floor up to the crown of your head. There are also Minor Chakras but I will leave that for another post.

The major Chakras are energy centres and they have been seen as spinning wheels and also as cones. They allow energy to come into our bodies and they distribute the energy into specific organs and body systems and are related to our emotions. This is how and why our Chakras impact our physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. They allow us access to our multidimensional selves and also help keep us grounded in our physical bodies.

I work with the Chakras in kinesiology and also multidimensional quantum healing sessions. The ways that I work with them varies with each modality but with both ways I am exploring what is stored/blocked/trapped in the Chakras across different planes, timelines and dimensions.

The seven major Chakras are:

  • Base or Root Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Navel or Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Brow or Third Eye Chakra
  • Crown Chakra

The Base or Root Chakra is located at the root of your spine and is all about your right to have and your right to be here. It is deeply connected to your place in the world so it is about your tribe, your family and your sense of safety and security as well as your sense of identity. When I am working in this Chakra in the quantum field I am often finding loneliness and this sense of not belonging.

When you have blocks in our Base/Root Chakra you may have:

  • felt you didn’t belong anywhere or felt lonely
  • wanted to escape from your life
  • experienced trauma, distress or difficulty between conception and the ages of 3 to 5
  • moved between different groups trying to find yourself
  • difficulty maintaining your finances and either spending too much or struggle to afford basic needs

The Sacral Chakra is located just below your belly button and is all about your right to have and your right to want. It is a centre of creation and this can be creating life or creating fun and pleasure. It also houses our power of relationships. When I am working in this Chakra in the quantum field I am often finding imprints left from other relationships and the wounds that have manifested to block creation – whether that is creating life or projects.

When you have blocks in your Sacral Chakra you may have:

  • difficulty with being nurtured or nurturing others
  • difficulty with your sexuality or with giving or receiving sexual pleasure
  • difficulty expressing your creativity
  • low energy levels or low vitality
  • problems with your bladder, kidneys or reproductive system

The Navel Chakra or Solar Plexus is located in your core and is all about your right to act. It is your place of personal power and houses power and respect. When I am working in this Chakra in the quantum field I often finding feelings of disappointment that have led to being small. This Chakra is so expansive but often people are too scared to access its full power because of past rejections or being shit down.

When you have blocks in your Navel Chakra you may have:

  • problems with self esteem, self confidence or self worth
  • difficulty with authority figures (either feeling small and insignificant or aggressive and rebellious)
  • difficulty achieving your potential no matter how hard you work
  • difficulty in taking responsibility for your actions and tend to blame others when things go wrong
  • problems with your digestive system

The Heart Chakra is located in your heart and is all about your right to love and to be loved. It is your place of emotional power and houses love and acceptance. I love working with this Chakra as I believe there is so much to access through our Heart portal. When working in this Chakra in the quantum field I often find metaphorical blocks in the way of shields, walls, vines or other greenery/shubbery. For many, this Chakra is in a state of shrinking or collapsing into itself as a form of self protection or a by product from emotional pain. When unblocked, it often expands so easily and just wants to be open to sending and receiving infinite love.

When you have blocks in your Heart Chakra you may:

  • find it difficult to love or feel loved
  • feel exhausted, fatigues or drained most of the time
  • fall in love too quick;y and then wonder what you ever saw in the person or have relationships end badly
  • feel cut off from the world wondering what love is
  • have problems with your heart, blood pressure or circulation
Heart Chakra

The Throat Chakra is located in your throat and is all about your right to speak and to be heard. It is your place of self expression and houses communication and truth. When I work with this Chakra in the quantum field I am often helping clients begin to speak their truth. I love working with this Chakra because I believe all the energy we bring down from Source and all the energy we generate within ourselves needs to be expressed through the Throat Chakra. I believe the main reason for this is for the vibrations to be felt in our body.

When you have blocks in your Throat Chakra you may have:

  • difficulty expressing your feelings verbally
  • difficulty communicating or expressing yourself effectively
  • too much or too little to say
  • problems with speech, hearing or thyroid issues
  • difficulty speaking your truth

The Brow or Third Eye Chakra is located between your eyebrows and is all about your right to see. It is your place of self reflection and houses the power of the mind. When I work with this Chakra in the quantum field I am often helping client’s access their pineal gland, their third eye and their psychic gifts. This is usually connected to previous lifetimes where gifts may have been used and not received or experienced in a pleasant way, therefore creating the block in this lifetime.

When you have blocks in your Brow Chakra you may have:

  • difficulty following through with ideas and planning your life
  • problems with imagination and visualisation and need to intellectualise everything
  • difficulty being open to the ideas of others
  • problems with sleep or suffer from migraines or headaches
  • difficulty recognising and connecting with a power higher than yourself

The Crown Chakra is located at the crown of your head and is all about your right to know. It is your place of self knowledge and spiritual connection and houses Universal power. When I work with this Chakra in the quantum field I am helping clients strengthen connections to Source and soften into surrender and trust.

When you have blocks in your Crown Chakra you may:

  • struggle to be open minded
  • long for spiritual connection
  • struggle to connect with your life’s purpose
  • have learning difficulties
  • be overly intellectual at times

What can you do if feel your Chakras are blocked?

There’s many ways you can unblock your Chakras. Some ways you can unblock them yourself is to meditate and focus on expanding the light in each Chakra. I even have a guided meditation series on Youtube which included the healing frequencies of Solfeggio tuning forks. You can access the series in the comfort of your own home and move through them at your own pace. If there is a Chakra that you feel really needs attention I recommend you start there. If not, I recommend you start from the Base/Root and work your way up. There is a lot of focus on the upper Chakras in particular the Brow/Third Eye but in working on and clearing the lower Chakras you build a stronger and more stable foundation that will allow more to come through the upper Chakras when you do work on them.

There are many modalities that help you clear, unblock and align your Chakras that you can also turn to.

Of course, as a kinesiologist I will recommend using kinesiology to work on your Chakras. They can be worked on within balances on specific physical or mental/emotional issues or they can be worked on as part of the Chakra Between the Planes series. This series is amazing and works through clearing the Chakras through each of the layers of the aura. It is quite a transformational series and you can read more about it and my own personal experience here. I really credit this series to laying the foundation for all the transformation I experienced this year.

I also work with Chakras in my multidimensional quantum healing sessions and have an online quantum healing series that I will be launching very soon. This series will work through dimensions, frequencies and explore blocks from this lifetime and previous lifetimes. As this series is online it will work on the collective layers but you will also feel personal benefits. We will clear inner child wounds, witch wounds and mother wounds as well as themes of betrayal and mistrust. My online quantum sessions go deep and may include higher frequency healings, light language and activations. This series will go for a period of 7 weeks with 7 x 1 hour sessions each Thursday. You are invited to attend each session live but the replay will be available to those who cannot join live. Working in the quantum field means I can access your higher self and include your energy in the group until you can connect and watch in your own time. Register your interest to receive information as soon as I finalise the details.

Are you ready to book your Chakra Between the Planes sessions?

Book a kinesiology session with me to work through clearing your Chakras.

Want to experience the quantum Chakra healing series?

I will be launching an online quantum healing series working on each of your Chakras. Register your interest.

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