blueprint of human face on blue background

What is the Human Blueprint?

The Human Blueprint kinesiology procedures were developed by Syriiel Amanda Randael Brown in collaboration with Dr Charles Krebs.

Each of us has our own, personal Human Blueprint reflected on the Physical Plane by our DNA. The DNA level of our Blueprint only holds the information for the Blueprint of our Physical and Physiological Bodies. But beyond the Physical Plane, are the Astral, Mental, and Spiritual Planes holding the Emotional, Mental and Spiritual information of our total Multi-Dimensional Being, and it is through the full expression of this Multi-Dimensional Blueprint that we become Whole.

In our Human Blueprint, we hold patterning that makes us who and what we are – some Karmic, acquired from previous existences, some programmed/learned through experiences from current and previous existences, and some from Ancestral patterns.

Thus, the information and patterning in our Human Blueprint shapes our current lives on Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Core Levels.

But much of this patterning and programming can be negative, and thus has become limiting and/or detrimental to the full expression of our True Selves.

The Human Blueprint is accessed via the DNA Hologram and in each session you will uncover a core belief that has been holding you back. This core belief may have been running in the background of your deep subconscious programming, creating a pattern or theme in your life that plays out in your lives running at the root of a specific issue. This core belief could have come from your life, your previous lifetimes or from ancestors.

These balances are so deep because they can clear negative programming from chromosome and genes, finding at which generation the DNA alteration originally occurred, what caused it (often an emotion, trauma or shock), and on the genetic/ancestral Line of which parent.  Chromosome and Genes are also rebalanced at the time of the original distortion.

Chromosomes and genes distortions can be distorted through toxins, environmental factors, emotions, trauma, shock, pathogens, programming, beliefs, EMF plus more. Miasms can also pass negative patterning down the ancestral line. Miasms are a person’s inherited disease group. They are inherited and passed down through the ancestral line and can be active, inactive (and remain inactive) or inactive until activated by a trigger. They can also be acquired from developing a disease.

The patterning and programming can be:

  • acquired from previous existences
  • programmed/learned through experiences from this life and other lifetimes
  • Karmic patterns
  • Ancestral patterns

Once the negative patterning is released, it is replaced and reprogrammed with positive patterning. This new information can also be grounded into the physical cells and DNA which enables faster processing of the new information and easier integration.

Book in a with a kinesiologist trained in the Human Blueprint procedures. These procedures include:

  • balancing the Celestial circuit (the core energetic circuit in Chinese Medicine) to create stability
  • accessing the Human Blueprints through specific coordinates
  • clearing Deep Survival Switching, which sabotages deep shifts
  • clearing Core Beliefs in the Human Blueprint
  • working directly with the DNA to reprogram a higher state of expression
  • balancing the Yin and Yang aspects of DNA to move beyond duality
  • activating the Ascension Genes which allows for greater spiritual access
  • clearing programs that block Ascension
  • infusing/embedding cells with new positive statements or general reprogramming of the Blueprint

I personally LOVE working with the Human Blueprint and feel these sessions are so potent and provide deep shifts. The Human Blueprint is an amazing tool for you to use to integrate and embody what you learn about your soul and your ancestors from psychedelic journeys, breath work, meditation, Akashic Records readings, psychic readings, and Human Design and Gene Keys. The Blueprint is also an amazing tool to support your awakening and Ascension journey.

With my clients I like to work with them to reprogram their Human Blueprint around a specific issue or goal for at least 3-4 sessions. The way this would look is:

Session 1 – Core Belief/s

Session 2 – Infusion of new core beliefs from Session 1 and Celestial Circuit for stability

Session 3 – Chromosomes

Session 4 – Miasms

Some clients have been able to work through the series without session 2. This all depends on how sensitive your structural and light bodies are as well as how you have been integrating your new core belief/s. Some clients have needed to begin the series with the Celestial Circuit for stability. Some clients have found they needed more than one session on Chromosomes or Miasms.

Each of you are different so even though I have a flow I try to follow, I am always guided by you and your energy. This is also what makes kinesiology so powerful. It is so gentle yet potent so we always have to be mindful we don’t overload the system. And connecting to where the original distortion occurred can feel uncomfortable or even heavy while we are working through it. This is definitely what I experienced when I received the Miasm balance which I shared in this blog post.

When it comes to tracing where the distortion came from (ancestral or soul level) I tune into the quantum field and feel into the information stored in your energy field. I translate the energy I am feeling to give you context to what your ancestor experienced or remind you of what you experienced in another lifetime or dimension. I love being able to bring some of what I access in multidimensional quantum healing into a kinesiology balance and I feel this is what makes a Human Blueprint session with me so unique.

I had 4 sessions of the human blueprint. It was great to know that I had ancestral issues about my right ankle and letting go of the trauma that was still there and attached has helped with my pain.

~ Michael

With Natasha’s authentic, gentle and beautiful energy, I felt completely safe and at ease during the therapeutic session. After I felt calm and more balanced. I now feel supported and guided and I am looking forward to the positive transitions in my life as they unfold. I highly recommend Natasha and I’ve already booked again! I am truly grateful for Natasha’s help, knowledge and insight.

~ Linnet

Something has shifted in me for the better and I hope it sticks. Regarding my relationships, the anger and impatience is gone. It was a victim mentality. It’s like me expressing “I can be impatient and angry at them because I am suffering in the day to day living”. So the last few days I have been as cool as a cucumber.

~ Nadia

I cannot even begin to describe the profoundness of Tash’s quantum kinesiology session that I was so lucky to experience. Tash has the most beautiful energy about her that was calming, reassuring yet light hearted and even fun. I had no idea what to expect but knew moments into the session that something big was happening. I had numerous body shivers, a bunch of ‘aha’ moments, as well as resonating so deeply with what Tash was able to tell me about my limiting beliefs.

Hours after my session I experienced the most intense emotional release, the tears would just not stop flowing. I could feel the shifts happening and woke up today feeling so different. I can hardly believe it myself but I have already seen the flow on effects in my outer world. The universe presented me with a testing situation and I was blown away that my internal dialog was completely different to what I’d normally experience. I was able to respond and communicate with a clarity and confidence I though I had lost years ago and gone was the fear of being punished for speaking my truth. Tash is truly gifted and I cannot recommend her enough.

– Shanika

Are you ready to book a Human Blueprint kinesiology session?

Book a kinesiology session with me and reprogram your Human Blueprint.
The Human Blueprint is an amazing tool to access your multidimensionality.

Want to learn the Human Blueprint balances?

The next training for O’Neill Kinesiology College graduates will be in January 2025. Contact the college to register your interest.

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