Kidneys, adrenal stress

Why You Should balance your adrenals

Our adrenal glands control our ability to manage stress. This is because our adrenal glands produce our main stress hormone Cortisol. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is believed that our adrenals hold our ancestral chi – the energy of our ancestors. The issue is that once all of this energy is used up, it’s like taking money out of the bank – it needs to be replenished.

So here’s three reasons you should balance your adrenals:

  • lower your stress levels and have a better capacity to handle stress
  • increase your energy
  • increase your lifelong vitality and longevity

For myself personally, I have a tendency to burn myself out (thanks to being a 1/3 Manifesting Generator). I remember experiencing adrenal fatigue in 2015. I had been overtraining my body and was stuck in a job I hated. I saw a naturopath and it was through cleaning up my gut and coming off the pill that I felt the brain fog disappear. I still remember that day. Two months later I was pregnant with my first daughter and ten months later I was going through postnatal depression. There have been studies done on the link between cortisol function and postnatal depression so there’s really no surprise where I ended up.

But I am thankful because this was the catalyst that changed the trajectory of my life. It was this experience that led me to kinesiology and I wish I had found it sooner. I imagine I would have handled the stressors of motherhood very differently. But I trust the journey that I have been on and that brings me to the six sessions I had to balance my adrenals. Which also came at the perfect time in my life.

I was at a period of my life where I was questioning my relationship, needing to pivot my business, packing and moving house, and also adjusting to my new reality after experiencing an awakening from my first psychedelic journey (hot tip: a celestial circuit aura realignment helps so much with coming back into your body after such an experience!).

Here’s some of the key insights I received during the series:

Future stress around success came up in my second session.. I was still working part-time and with my long service leave coming up I wanted to make my business a success so I didn’t have to rely on that stable source of income. I wanted to be able to just go all in on my business that I love. I had lots of big plans and was trying to make everything happen quickly (hello overachiever!). My constant worry about what to do and being so focused on the future was draining my adrenals. Most of the energetic corrections were on my Yang side. The Yang is the masculine side, the side that takes action. This is a place I am often in but the past six months have been about slowing down and surrendering, being in my feminine, my Yin and being open to receive.

Stress around seeking validation through feedback from others and acting on what others want me to do instead of my own wisdom came up in my third session. This was centred around unity and duality which has really been the focus of my consciousness this year. And underneath it was this belief that I need to be right to be accepted and loved. This has been something that has shaped my whole inner being and the driver behind my perfectionism.

In session 5 we unearthed another lesson in unity and duality for me and this one was focused on control. I have always felt a need to control things. This really came up during my initiation into motherhood and I believe was a huge part of my postnatal depression. It showed up again as my two daughters were older and I realised I was experiencing parental burnout, because perfectionism is one of the key risk factors. The lesson here was that control is just an illusion. There is only Faith. And it is this faith that helps us shift from our ego (and personality) and duality and move into our higher self and into unity where there is only healthy love and anger, bliss, oneness.

Would you have imagined to go on such a spiritual journey simply by balancing your adrenals? Even though I knew the power of this series of balances I was still surprised by the journey we went on. And that is because we are all on different journeys. We each experience things in our own way, shaped by our thoughts, our emotions, our beliefs. Most of this happens in our subconscious and that is why doing this work with a kinesiologist helps you tap into the parts of you that you can’t reach with your conscious mind.

So if you want to have more energy, be able to think clearer and have more focus, to be able to feel your emotions and observe them as they come up then you should have your adrenals balanced by a kinesiologist.

We are able to work with the HPA axis and lower your Cortisol levels and help you manage the stress in your life. You might notice that the same things don’t trigger you anymore. Or you might not even experience them anymore. It is truly amazing what a shift in your frequency can do!

And if you want some simple ways you can replenish your ancestral chi here’s two simple tips from Nicolie O’Neill, the founder of O’Neill Kinesiology College:

  • nutrition – eating good quality nutritious food
  • tai chi – a regular, committed practice helps you bring in more energy

I have also made this video showing you how you can relieve some adrenal stress using acupressure holding points. This only offers temporary stress relief but I do love how it feels!

Are you ready to book a kinesiology session?

Book a kinesiology session with me and feel the power of kinesiology for yourself. Kinesiology is also amazing as one of your post breathwork selfcare tools.

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